El rock duro de TESLA

Corria la década de los ochenta cuando, desde la costa oeste de los EEUU empezaban a sonar, cada vez con más fuerza, bandas caracterizadas por una estética glam, por sonidos estridentes, guitarras afiladas, pelos largos y mallas de cuero ceñidas. Era la edad de oro del heavy metal, y bandas como RATT, W.A.S.P., Megadeth, etc. eran el blanco de la escena.
Las temáticas e inspiración que encontraban muchas de estan bandas abarcaba temas como la guerra nuclear, el anti-militarismo, el tema OVNI, y controversias oscuras y conspirativas sobre los secretos de estado, la CIA y el FBI.
Una de estas bandas se inspiró en la leyenda de Nikola Tesla: TESLA, que no solamente uso el nombre del genio sino que muchas de sus camposiciones y disco giran en torno a la vida y obra del científico censurado.
Títulos como Mechanical Resonance (1986) o The Great Radio Controversy (1989) deberían ser más que representativos de cuales eran las intenciones de esta banda.
En 1991 grabaron "Edison´s Medicine" en referencia al famosa "guerra de las corrientes" que Edison instigaba contra Tesla en los inicios de la era de la electricidad.

You're guilty of crime in the first degree,
Second and third as well.
My jury finds you'll be serving your time
When you go straight to hell.

'Cause he was Lord of the Lightning,
Though "socially fright'ning",
But never out to sell.

Their nickels and pence
Meant more than did sense,
And not the sensible thing.

Nor did the man outta time, man outta time.
But to his credit. You was one of a kind.
Man outta time, man outta time.
All along, world was wrong. You was right.

All that he saw, all he conceived,
They just could not believe.
Steinmetz and Twain were friends that remained,
Along with number three.

He was electromagnetic, completely kinetic,
"New Wizard of the West."
But they swindled and whined that he wasn't our kind,
And said Edison knew best.

He was the man outta time, man outta time.
But to his credit. You was one of a kind.
Man outta time, man outta time.
Said you was outta your mind!

You took a shot and it did you in.
Edison's medicine.
You played your cards, but you couldn't win.
Edison's medicine.

I spent twelve years of hard time,
More like the best years of my life.
Never heard or read a single word
About "the man" and his "wicked mind."
They'll sell you on Marconi.
Familiar, but a phony.
Story goes they sold their souls
And swore that you'd never know...

About the man outta time, man outta time.
But to his credit. You was one of a kind.
Man outta time, man outta time.
Swore you was outta your mind!

You took a shot and it did you in.
Edison's medicine.
You played your cards, but you couldn't win.
Edison's medicine.